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Aircraft Paint Design Program

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Vans Aircraft First Flights 2. From Richard Weiss Towebmastervansaircraft. Subject First Flight Date sent Monday, May 1. To the folks at Vans I took our RV 7. A, N1. 2BW SN 7. AviationPros. Find aviation news, commercial aviation products and reviews, aircraft maintenance, ground support. May 1. 5, 2. 01. 7, from the Spruce Creek Fly in. After 3,0. 00 hours of build time over an 8 year period, the takeoff from runway 2. The performance and control harmony, as expected, were excellent No heavy wing syndrome was noted as it flew perfectly straight and level with hands off the stick. Our RV is equipped with a new Lycoming Thunderbolt IO 3. EXP, a 3 blade MT constant speed prop, dual Advanced 4. Tru. Trak autopilot, a VPX Pro, a Garmin radio stack that includes the GMA 2. GTN 6. 50 WAAS Navigator, GTR 2. GTX 3. 30. ES transponder with ADS B out. A Navworx 6. 00. B provides ADS B IN traffic and weather. Vetterman exhaust, Classic Aero Interior, CJ Aviation fuel boost pump, and a host of other upgrades. Ultralight aircraft for sale, challenger for sale, Quicksilevr for sale, brs for sale, eis for sale, kuntzleman for sale. ONE DESIGN We offer a complete set of plans for the single seat aerobatic aircraft known as the One Design. Created by Dan Rihn as an economical answer for pilots. From Peter To webmastervansaircraft. Subject First flight report Date sent Sunday, November 05, 2017. Not sure if you where ever informed about my first flight. Vans, Avionics Installations, and the homebuilt vendor cadre rank among the best of the best As a former Saturn V S 1. C propulsion engineer for NASA at Kennedy Space Center, I wanted a NASA Apollo Program tribute themed design. Working with designerpainter John Starr, I think we developed what I hope is the perfect blend of aviation and space. Aircraft Spruce supplies components for a wide variety of homebuilt aircraft and discount pilot supplies. Zenith Aircraft kit finishing center. Finish your Zenith Aircraft kit in just 2 weeks. Aircraft Paint Design Program' title='Aircraft Paint Design Program' />Weird, but then hey, its my airplane right A special thank you to Dick V., all of the aviators at Spruce Creek, EAA 2. Keith Phillips, and to Gary Baker who works with me on the EAA Homebuilt Council. They were always there when needed. A special thank you to my good friend Mike Kelly, my EAA Tech Counselor, Flight Advisor, and my FAA APP pilot who joined me on this first flight adventure. None of this would have been possible without the total support and encouragement of my wonderful wife Brenda. Thank you sweetie Rick Weiss Chairman, Homebuilt Aircraft Council Member, EAA Board of Directors Lifetime Member 2. Alaskan Cards And Marbles Game.